How do I set up a mission trip?

Setting up your first mission trip in the V2 admin portal


A mission trip allows you to manage donor communications, participant communications, and fundraising efforts and provides a personal fundraising page for each participant. A mission trip must be tied to a fund in Vision2.

A mission trip setup includes 4 sets of steps:

Step 1: Set up the mission trip designation details. This includes providing a start and end date for the trip. The time before the trip starts date is the fundraising period.

Step 2: Set up volunteer requirements. Requirements may include a background check, a valid driver's license, or a minimum age for participants. 

Step 3: Group volunteer requirements into specific volunteer roles for your trip. Roles can include Trip Leader, Trip Participant, Nurse, etc. You'll assign the roles to your mission trip, according to the trip needs. You are ready to start adding participants to the mission trip!

Step 4: Work with your web person to add several mission trip landing pages to your website.

Here are additional help articles related to mission trip participants:

Mission Trip Participant Experience
Managing Mission Trip Participants
Approve or Override a Participant's Personal Statement and Image
Override a Mission Trip Fundraising Goal

Here are additional help articles related to mission trip reporting:

Mission Trip Donations by Participant
View All Mission Trip Giving