How do I create catalog items? | Vision2 Help Center

Create catalog items for use with quid pro quo gifts

To add catalog items, please follow these steps

1. Login to the V2 Admin Portal and navigate to Catalog > Items & Packages > Items > +

2. In the Name text box, provide a name for the item

3. In the Identifier text box, provide a unique identifier for this item. Example: UPC, Lot ID, etc.

4. In the Description text box, provide a description of the item. Please note: this description is public-facing

5. Leave the Create a Package check box selected

6. In the Available Start Date text box, enter the date that this item will be available

7. In the Available End Date text box, enter the date when this item will no longer be available (optional)

8. For the Quid Pro Quo check box

a. Selecting the item will provide a text box where you can define the cost of the item. The dollar amount you enter in this text box will not be part of the tax deduction for the donor. You will be recouping this dollar amount for the item cost to you.

b. De-selecting this item indicates that the donor will receive a tax deduction for the full donation amount. You will not be recouping any part of the donation to cover the item cost to you.

9. For the Is Amount Fixed check box

a. Selecting the check box will allow you to set the minimum donation amount for the item. Best practice: set the dollar amount equal the cost of the item plus the minimum donation amount you would like to receive.

b. De-selecting this check box allows you to set a minimum and maximum amount for the item. Best Practice: set the Minimum amount equal to the cost of the item plus the minimum donation amount you would like to receive.

10. Under the Photos section, click the Add Photo + button

11. Click the Change Photo button to upload an image for this item Please note: This photo is public-facing

a. If the image has not been uploaded to your library:

i. Click the Upload tab

ii. Click the Browse button to search for the image you need

iii. Click the Save button

b. If the image has been uploaded to your library:

i. On the Library tab, click the image you wish to use and then click the Use Selected Photo button

12. You can add additional photos for this item by clicking the Add Photo + button

13. After all desired images have been uploaded, click Save & I'm Done

14. to enable Options for an item (size, color, etc.) select the Enable options for this item check box

15. In the First Option Category text box, provide the category name

16. Click the Add a First Category Option + button

17. In the Option Name text box, provide a name for this option

18. In the Sequence text box, provide the position number of this option in the list. Example: if you are using size as a category, you may want to set Small as the first in the sequence

19. In the Description text box, provide a description of this option. Please note: this description is public-facing.

20. You may choose to provide an additional image for this option. This section is helpful if color is an option

21. Click the Add a First Category Option + button to add another option

22. Continue adding the remainder of your options for this category

23. If you need to add a second list of options (style, size, translation, etc.) click the Enable a second category of options for this item checkbox

24. To add additional Catalog items, click the + Save & Add Another button

25. Follow steps 2-24 to finish adding your catalog items

26. click Save & I'm Done